The Best Poetic Short Stories About Dogs

book cover this k-9 of mine

While checking messages and posts on Faceboook, my owner, Shelley, came across a poem in a dog group that really moved her. Then she found another. In just a few moments she had laughed and cried. This author was in several dog groups she followed. She doesn’t care for poems, but these were more like poetic short stories about dogs.  And she loves dogs!  Especially me!

She felt compelled to tell the author how good the poems were and to suggest he publish a book about them.  She wanted to read more! So, she struck up a conversation with Jerry Wayne Baldwin. When she spoke with him, she said these poetic stories are so good, you should write a book.  He responded with a link to his ebook, This K-9 of Mine.  She felt a bit silly at that point. Of course, someone this talented would have a book!

Let me have Knuckles tell you about it.  He is on the cover.


Jerry Wayne Baldwin

As she conversed in messenger with this stranger, she discovered he not only had a dog, but three dogs, Archibald, Knuckles and Kipper. 

3 dogs
Archibald, Knuckles and Kipper


Archibald Sky (Archy) is a  Black and White Border Collie that excels in agility and frisbee.

Knuckles is a West German Working Stock German Shepherd and is pictured on the cover of the book.

Kipper is a Red and White Border Collie who excels in waking the household up at 4 a.m. to herd imaginary sheep!

Jerry also has a couple of cats and three sons. 


Ebook to Paperback

Jerry mentioned he had the ebook, but would really like to have a paperback version. He has followers all over the world and they wanted a book to hold in their hands. Unfortunately, publishing a paperback through Amazon was a bit mystifying to him. Without thinking, Shelley blurted out, “I can help you!” She always likes to help people and she thought this shouldn’t be too hard. She later learned differently.  Amazon is a great place to buy items, but making a book was a bit more of a challenge. She has several websites, this one of course, Trixie Tells All that features me and one about How to Achieve Financial Success and another she will mention in a bit. She may need to know how to create an ebook or paperback through Amazon one day for herself concerning those websites, so she thought she could learn and help at the same time.

Jerry gave her the specifics and so began a new friendship. She started collecting his poems and preparing them for submission. He had quite a few and even more than what was published in the ebook. They decided to complete the paperback and then update the ebook. As they spoke, Shelley learned more about this new friend that shared her love of dogs.

book cover this k-9 of mine
This K-9 of Mine

Musically Gifted

In addition to creating poems about our lovable furry friends that are enjoyed worldwide, Jerry also creates spirit filled devotional poems. A new book titled, God’s Ways in 60 Days, with scriptured based poems is in the works. (Follow Jerry to be notified when more dog poems are published and be on the lookout for the new devotional book.) Besides being a talented writer, Jerry plays guitar and accompanies his youngest son, Zach. who is very gifted in his own right on the piano. They can often be found providing their music ministry at nearby churches and volunteering their talents at local retirement homes, homeless shelters and at other places and events around Roanoke, VA in their Christian music group called Healing Reign. Follow them on Facebook  and listen in on a watch party.  Jerry’s oldest son, Aaron, is in college and his middle son, Josh, is the athlete of the family and after a layoff is playing football is senior year.


Trixie Tells All

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